Choosing a Swimming Pool Filter – The Types of Filters for a Swimming Pool
You have decided to have a swimming pool built in your garden and to make your property more comfortable. And here comes the question: what type of swimming pool filter so choose in order to have a crystal clean pool?
The filtration system is of high importance because it performs the functions of a mechanic cleaner of the water. If the system is able to catch even the smallest fragments you will have perfectly clean water in the pool. These fragments are then removed by cleaning the filter and by reverse washing out (in a sand filter systen).
Generally, before choosing a filtration system for your pool you need to know what its purpose will be. On most occasions, the case in point is a detached house with adjoining pool that will be used mostly by family members and friends so it is supposed to be not very busy. In this case there is no need to buy a professional filtration system such as sand filter. Sand filters are know as probably the best filtration system but if you decide to use this type of filtration you should be aware that it requires a more professional maintenance, thus you will need a pool management company to keep it in order.
Swimming pool with Sand filter filtration
In the beginning of the season (usually between 10th -20thMay in Bulgaria) your swimming pool needs to be visited by a pool specialist who will check the filtration system that has not been in operation within the winter months and will prepare it for use. This also includes full check of the ststem, pipes, pumm and adding quartz sand in the filter.
Once the pool is put in operation it requires daily maintenance. The bottom of the pool should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner on regular basis and then the filter needs cleaning by reverse washing out. It is very important that you have some technical knowledge when working with the pump and the filter and to follow the instructions for their proper operation. One wrong step could cause damage or even ruin the filtration system and you would be “without a pool” in the heat of the summer.
- Sand Filter
Water is pushed through a filter full of sand sand and the sand is actually used to filter the water. The principle behind this filter is that water is pushed through the filter sand, somewhat like an espresso machine. Dirty water goes in the top and clean water exits out the bottom. As the filter sand becomes plugged with debris from the pool, the pressure increases on the filter and the water flow drops. In order to clean the filter, you just run it in reverse and dump the waste water; this is referred to as “backwashing” the filter. This has to be done manually aftrer each vacuum cleaning of the bottom.
One more thing to mention, when you start making a reverse washing out of the filter please be aware that a large quantity of water (between 400-600 liters and even more) is thrown away and it is strongly recommended to have sewer to the property (unfortunately most of the villages in Bulgaria are not connected to mains sewer). If there is no such in your property you have to pour water out onto the street or somewhere around your property. This is something to consider before buidling a swimming pool with sand filter.
Sand filter scheme
Pool with skimmers
- Monoblock (pipeless filtration unit)
Instead of using sand filter we would advise you to use the so called “monoblock” filtration unit. It is a pipeless system that features a submerged filtration compartment that also houses the spotlight, and a technical compartment, built into the pool deck. The water is passing through a filter with a screening size 6 to 30 microns (compared with 8 microns for bottled mineral water), before being re-released into the pool through the discharge nozzles. This circulation system means that the entire volume of water in the pool can be filtered and also be treated with disinfecting products located in a prefilter. As a result, no waste water is drained off, making the filtration process more environmentally friendly, and the pool water is still crystal clear and free from leaves, insects and other particles.
The water is filtered with a filtering bag that can easily be cleaned with a hose. The advantages of this system are: reduced risk of leaks; quick to install; proven effectiveness; easy maintenance; simple winterisation procedure; built-in spotlight; easy servicing; corrosion-proof material; high filtration powe;r fits all types of new and renovated pool
The advantage of the monoblock filter unit is that you may clean the bag of the filter daily and you will able to maintain your pool by yourself without any other assistance.
Monoblock filter unit- cheap and easy maintenance
Being a company with a long experience in pool building we offer to our clients not only quality built swimming pool supplied with monoblock and ready for use but we also offer our professional advice how you can maintain your pool easily and without any help and how water should be treated with chemicals. If you do not have enough time to do this we would be happy to undertake the maintenance of your pool against duly payment.
And last but not least, please note monoblock filtration system is a cheaper option with the same crystal clear water effect that will be your personal achievement if you maintain your pool properly, regularly and with love.